By Arnaud PERRIN
- In Arwards

On Tuesday, July 4, 2023, the awards ceremony for the winners of the 2022-2023 Innovation Contest was held in the presence of Sylvie Retailleau, Minister for Higher Education and Research, Roland Lescure, Minister for Industry, Jean-Noël Barrot, Minister for Digital Transition and Telecommunications, and with Bruno Bonnell, Secretary General for Investment in charge of France 2030. Under the banner of acceleration to establish France’s sovereignty,
the Government congratulated and highlighted the 237 winners of the 2023 edition of the Innovation Contest, all sections combined. On this occasion, wave 12 of the i-Nov Competition was announced and will be launched in the coming weeks. As part of France 2030, €2.3 billion has been mobilized to support innovative projects through to industrialization, and to accelerate the emergence of technology-intensive start-ups.

The i-Lab part of the competition promotes the results of public research through the creation of innovative technology companies. Organized by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, in partnership with Bpifrance, i-Lab finances the best research and development projects to finalize an innovative technological product, process or service, with substantial financial support (up to 600K€ per project, for a total budget of 26 M€) and tailored support. In its 23 years of existence, i-Lab has become a privileged point of passage for innovative project leaders, and a quality label unanimously recognized by deep-tech investors. For the 2023 edition, the jury of experts singled out 79 winners from among the 400 applications received for the national competition, particularly in the healthcare, digital and chemical sectors.